Posted: Jan 24, 2023
Category: Songwriting
songwriting lyrics get creative comfort zone collaboration genre experiment
**Guest post written by Hovey Otis.
"When it comes to songwriting, having a unique and creative perspective can be the difference between a great song and an average one. But how can you look at the same lyrics in a different way and create something that stands out? Here are 3 tips to help you switch up your approach to songwriting and find new inspiration.
1. Break your lyrics down into smaller pieces. Many of us have been taught that songs should have a strong narrative structure but this isn’t always necessary for creating a compelling piece of music. Instead, try breaking down your lyrics into individual lines or sentences, looking at each one separately as if it were its own poem or short story. This will help you start thinking about how the individual elements can fit together in unique ways, giving your song an interesting layer of complexity.
2. Play around with structure. The structure of a song is just as important as its content when it comes to presentation, so don’t be afraid to experiment with unconventional arrangements. For example, try playing around with bridge sections, adding transitions between sections or repeating verses twice before transitioning into a chorus - these techniques can add depth and texture to your songs without taking away from their message.
3. Get out of your comfort zone. Sometimes we get stuck in our own heads when writing music – this is normal but it can also lead us to produce tracks which sound too similar or lack originality. To remedy this issue, try stepping out of your comfort genre by listening to different music or start collaborating with other musicians who have different backgrounds and influences than you do. This could give you some fresh ideas for approaching your music differently than ever before.
+The Benefits of Collaborating with Fellow Artists
Creative and unique music is made by attempting new ways to express your craft. Being inspired doesn’t have to be a mysterious search for ingenuity; instead, it can be as simple as looking at existing elements in new ways. As your comfort zone expands, it opens up possibilities for deeper exploration in music-making. Make sure to take the time to cycle through fresh ideas with perspective, creativity and passion. Through working on your musical process with these tips, you may find yourself creating something profoundly different. So why not take a chance? Start experimenting with your musical process and see where it takes you!"
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