- Book more shows and better tours in a fraction of the time with the most comprehensive and up-to-date music venues database and venue reviews index on the web, including contact info for thousands of venue booking agents and instantly customized show availability alerts. Better yet, exploit IOTM's QuickPitch functionality to accomplish hours (or even days) of show and tour booking work in just minutes. READ MORE>>
- Never again experience an empty stage or incomplete bill with our geo-targeted show availabilities and email notifications system for music venues, independent promoters, venue booking agents, and bands. Post open dates and last minute cancelations, search and discover musical acts of all genres and locales to fill show slots, preview their music and media, and always book the right band for your event. READ MORE>>
- Expand, maintain, and improve your artist roster with some of the hardest working and most talented independent acts in music. Get them on the road and keep them on the road, building a buzz (with the help of our press, radio, and media contacts resources), filling music venues, selling units, and taking your venture to the next level. READ MORE>>