Posted: Jan 31, 2023
Category: Marketing
social media marketing budget ask peers symphonic distribution be strategic long-term equality cost-effectiveness priorities branding
**Guest post originally featured in the Symphonic Distribution Blog.
"Effective marketing is a fundamental part of being an artist. Without it, you, your music, and your branding can only go so far. This is where spending the money for thoughtful and dependable marketing comes into play. But how do you know how much money is the right amount to help you achieve your goals? In this part of our marketing journey series, we’ll break down everything you need to know about building a successful marketing budget..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Dec 14, 2022
Category: Live Performance
live performances insurance bobby owsinski small business cost-effectiveness noise gentrification make money
**Guest post written by Bobby Owsinski, originally featured in the Music 3.0 Blog.
"When I was a young musician, I lived in a time where there were so many clubs that you could play 7 nights a week in a different club every night if you wanted to, plus get paid for it. If you can believe it, you could actually make a pretty decent living as a musician just playing the venues in your local area. That helped bands get tighter, develop stage presence, gain experience working crowds, and grow to the next level. Those days are pretty much over though, and it appears to be getting worse as local clubs are closing at an alarming rate."
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 7, 2022
Category: Tips & Tricks
music business insurance time management the legit musician travel tips be prepared cost-effectiveness musical instrument insurance
**Guest post written by James Peters of Musical Instrument Insurance in Ireland, originally featured on The Legit Musician blog.
"Commercial air travel can be a stressful affair on a normal trip — and that counts double when you’re bringing along your musical instrument. Between airline rules and regulations, necessary equipment, and accessories, it can seem like an overwhelming ordeal. The good news is there is a way to travel with your beloved instrument without undue anxiety. So, in order to get from point A to point B with your instrument in one piece, follow these simple tips for a smooth and painless travel experience."
View Full ArticlePosted: May 4, 2020
Category: Marketing
promotion marketing fan engagement artist collective quality long-term equality real-time updates visibility cost-effectiveness social media newsletters
**Guest post written by Vinnie Hines, Co-Owner of Artist Collective AKA @ac_vinnie.
"At Artist Collective, we’ve found that the most effective way to engage with your fans is through meaningful relationship building exchanges. These types of connections are invaluable and the foundation on which any type of notoriety is built...We urge you to use text message marketing for these 5 AMAZING REASONS..."