Posted: Feb 26, 2025
Category: Show Booking
indie on the move music venues show booking music festivals cold pitching college gigs be efficient iotm tutorials
Indie on the Move offers a couple of different account/subscription levels: free, premium, and deluxe. While you can find a point by point breakdown of those features on the site's pricing page, this video shows you how those features can be put to use as it relates to your show/tour booking through the platform.
Posted: Jan 29, 2025
Category: Show Booking
indie on the move music venues show booking music festivals keys to success cold pitching college gigs be efficient iotm tutorials
While we do have community driven sections of the site, specifically the availabilities, the most effective method of using the platform to get shows and tours booked is via direct outreach to the venues, colleges, and festivals in our venues database.
Posted: Nov 5, 2024
Category: Touring
show booking budget setting goals epk practice research negotiate tour routing embrace change musician indie coalition
**Guest post by Musician Indie Coalition, Business-Based Artist Development Experts who help DIY Musicians develop, launch and scale their music careers.
"Embarking on a tour is something every musician dreams of. It's a chance to travel, connect with fans, showcase your talent in new cities and build momentum for your music career...the whole process of booking a tour requires careful planning, organization and strategic decision-making. A missed flight, a canceled show or simple typo on the tour schedule can cause total chaos and put you at risk of losing a ton of money. So whether you're a solo artist or part of a band, here are my step-by-step recommendations to help you navigate the process of booking your first tour and setting yourself up for success."
Posted: Sep 24, 2024
Category: Online Presence
networking iotm tutorials show availability show booking touring community support opening bands band availability classified listing
Show availabilities are reserved for finding additional talent for shows that already exist...If you wish to announce your own availability, you can do that with a band availability...Lastly, classified listings are for everything else...all of these sections of the site are free!
Posted: May 29, 2024
Category: Show Booking
indie on the move music venues show booking keys to success know your options be efficient iotm tutorials
There are a couple of reasons why a venue would be classified as "excluded" when using the IOTM QuickPitch to reach out to music venues and colleges/universities: 1. That venue does not use email to book. 2. That venue only or mostly works with local talent. 3. That venue is primarily a rental facility...With that being said though, there can be a lot of valuable options in the excluded list, so do not hesitate to go through it individually once your QuickPitch is approved.
Posted: May 1, 2024
Category: Show Booking
indie on the move music venues show booking cold pitching persistence follow up iotm tutorials keys to success
Following up with music venues that do not respond to booking inquiries is an important part of the booking process. After all, persistence is key to landing the most gigs. Things do get a bit more complicated though when you are talking about sending a second cold pitch to a group of venues included in an Indie on the Move QuickPitch email. The first step is to remove the venues that did respond initially so those conversations can continue individually. Then once the venues list is updated, you can very easily add a relevant follow up message and new pitch name. You'll see we already took care of the proper formatting. This video will show you the rest of the process.
Posted: May 9, 2023
Category: Online Presence
show booking booking agents record labels managers radio promotion fan engagement online presence epk bandzoogle resume press advance the show
**Guest post written by Melanie Kealey of Bandzoogle.
"As a musician, you need tools for promotion. An EPK is your online resume and musical business card, making it easy for industry professionals to discover who you are. Included in an EPK are assets to help industry easily understand and promote a band’s music. You’ve likely heard that every artist should have an EPK - let’s look at the reasons you might need one."
View Full ArticlePosted: Oct 18, 2022
Category: Live Performance
show booking touring music festivals live performances cover songs corporate gigs private gigs wedding gigs hard ticket show soft ticket show whats next nashville
**Guest post written by Dennis Kurtz of What's Next Nashville.
" Last week I made the point that you are worth what you can draw! This is true if you are doing a hard ticket show...Most original music artists build themselves as a hard ticket, but also play soft tickets shows along with their hard ticket shows. Usually as a seller I try to find out what the budget is in these situations before I quote a price...Typically, here is how these gigs are priced..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Sep 7, 2021
Category: The Musician Business
show booking promotion professionalism persistence follow up email now hear this inc interview tips course
**Guest post written by Bruce Wawrzyniak, who runs Now Hear This, Inc. and
"It has come to my attention that there’s a whole generation barely even using email...regardless of your age, if you think you’re missing out on opportunities, it might simply be because (gasp) you did send one email and then gave up, moved on, when you didn’t hear anything back. The simple fact is, if it’s important enough to you, a second email should be sent when sufficient time has gone by (in other words, not the next day) and that simple follow-up could make the difference in actually getting a response."
View Full ArticlePosted: Aug 9, 2021
Category: Show Booking
show booking keys to success artist collective booking agents podcasts coronavirus
**Guest post from Vinnie Hines, Co-Owner of Artist Collective.
"Kyle Weber of Indie On The Move is one of the most seasoned booking experts in the country!...We've truly recommended this super affordable platform to countless artists and use it ourselves regularly...In this episode, you'll get a clear vision of the booking landscape in 2021 and beyond with some great tactics to be seen!"
Posted: Jul 12, 2021
Category: Live Performance
show booking tour booking live streaming lodging touring live performances fan engagement online presence cover songs bandzoogle practice gigging original material plan ahead be prepared kristen ford
**Guest post written by Melanie Kealey for Bandzoogle.
"As restrictions are starting to ease in some parts of the world, we thought it would be beneficial to have a conversation with Kyle Weber (founder of live show & tour booking platform Indie on the Move) and Kristen Ford (singer-songwriter and touring artist) to gain some perspective on how artists are going about booking or re-booking tours..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 12, 2021
Category: Live Performance
show booking promotion selling your act value talent buyer live performances justin paul pollstar ticket sales
**Guest post from Justin Paul, music/career coach, A&R, DJ, and producer.
"First and foremost, talent buyers look at how many tickets they believe (based on data) an artist can sell. The more tickets an artist can sell, the higher the performance fee they can command. Sometimes talent buyers are tastemakers, and they take a chance on an up and coming artist/band that may not have much data available. Typically, those are opening acts or the middle of the lineup. Up and coming artists may even play for free or a smaller amount and are often more suited for club events."
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 22, 2021
Category: Show Booking
show booking live performing calendar listings stage banter professionalism plan ahead pay your dues dustin drennen
**Guest post written by Dustin Drennen, DIY independent songwriter and musician.
"Shouldn’t music and friendship still be central to building a community and playing your songs? Absolutely. But, you don’t have to bumble along, you don’t have to loose direction or heart. That’s where this advice will come in handy. Here are four bits of advice for securing shows and building a reputation that makes it easier to do so."
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 15, 2021
Category: Live Performance
show booking make money stage rules live performances marketing plan super fans gigging timeliness lords of the trident
**Guest post by Fang from Lords of the Trident, the most METAL band on earth!
View Full ArticlePosted: Jan 11, 2021
Category: The Musician Business
music venues show booking booking agents live streaming live performances supply and demand data promoters talent buyer megaphone agency drive-in concerts
**Guest post written by Jordan Gates, of Megaphone Agency.
"Even through all the challenges this year has brought, the industry hung on through remarkable resilience. Live streaming, drive-in shows, fundraisers, even lobbying the government – there’s nothing we won’t do to keep the culture alive and the music playing. Music isn’t going anywhere. It’s only a matter of time before we can get back to that unparalleled feeling of experiencing it live and in person again."
Posted: Dec 21, 2020
Category: The Musician Business
show booking keys to success professionalism lords of the trident make money control safety career goals set your rate mindset
**Guest post by Fang from Lords of the Trident, the most METAL band on earth!
"Kids, if a stranger in full armor comes up offering you free band advice, you know what to say, right? JUST SAY NO!"
View Full ArticlePosted: Nov 30, 2020
Category: The Musician Business
show booking booking agents merch make money producers live performances music business sonicbids reverbnation sound engineer fiverr upwork
**Guest post by Randy Chertkow and Jason Feehan of Originally featured in the Disc Makers Blog. Reprinted with permission.
"...there’s a lot to managing a music career if you intend to make money with your music. Fortunately, do-it-yourself doesn’t mean do-it-alone. Plugging in and outsourcing to music services that handle different aspects of the industry is one way to get the help or expertise you may be lacking. In this post, we’ll tackle roles and services associated with live music events."
View Full ArticlePosted: Nov 2, 2020
Category: Touring
show booking lodging touring plan promotion gear practice health be realistic vip tickets free ticket giveaways presell keys to success hudson moore digital tour bus
**Guest post written by Hudson Moore, originally posted on
"I’ve been a touring independent artist for 10 years. I’ve booked, advanced, produced, and promoted almost every headline show I’ve ever played. I still have a long way to go, but I’ve been fortunate to play some amazing shows to fans across the US and over the years I’ve picked up a few tried and true tips and strategies that have helped me that will hopefully add value to you as well. So without further ado..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 2, 2020
Category: Live Performance
music venues show booking make money support slots networking live performances music business built-in crowds travel acpg podcast
**Guest post written by James Redhead, one half of the duo behind the music podcast Anyone Can Play Guitar.
"We thought it worthwhile to give a balanced view [about support slots] based on what we’ve learned so far, to help all you bands and artists make as informed a decision as possible when you’re presented with such opportunities, or even before you start actively seeking them out. Let’s start with the negatives…"
View Full ArticlePosted: Jan 21, 2020
Category: Show Booking
show booking make money touring cold pitching press kits press value posters advance the show follow up the legit musician tour routing tom jordan
**Guest post written by Tom Jordan, originally featured on The Legit Musician blog.
"You can make [booking shows] easier on yourself by using some effective strategies that help me book 200 shows a year. I pay my bills exclusively with music, and I’ll tell you how...If you’re prepared up front, you’ll avoid a lot of frustration. Preparation is important and makes a HUGE difference in outcomes."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jan 13, 2020
Category: Touring
indie on the move show booking booking agents make money touring music business artist collective industry resources consulting diy
**Guest post written by Vinnie Hines, Co-Owner of Artist Collective AKA @ac_vinnie.
"As a music consultant for Artist Collective, I constantly hear the complaints and excuses of artists all around the country about the industry and the idea of ‘touring’ to start chipping away at the brainwash, let’s knock down these 5 HUGE LIES ABOUT TOURING IN 2020..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Sep 24, 2019
Category: Marketing
show booking social media merch make money music album release artwork videos disc makers singles ep vs album
**This post originally appeared on the Disc Makers Blog for indie musicians by Randy Chertkow & Jason Feehan of Reprinted with permission.
"Your best social media strategy is to entertain your fans throughout the year rather than just drop an album and disappear. Create a strategy to make your fans anticipate your every release — music, videos, merch, and more — and attract new fans in the process."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jul 1, 2019
Category: Online Presence
music venues show booking booking agents record labels managers promotion music festivals radio promotion publicist bandzoogle press corporate gigs private gigs
**Guest post written by Dave Cool of
"An electronic press kit (EPK) is essential for making a strong first impression on promoters, bookers, media, and other music industry professionals...You can use your EPK to help you get more press, more gigs, and come across as a serious artist."
View Full ArticlePosted: May 28, 2019
Category: Show Booking
show booking epk professionalism persistence concise no attachments photos videos talent buyer quotes timing
**Guest post written by Scott Cooper, talent buyer for Testarossa Winery and Sam's Chowder House and previously syndicated music journalist for newspapers across the country.
"As a Talent Buyer...I only book via email. Emails are a traceable record of who said what and the details of the agreement. Sometimes I can even tell if I want to book the band just by how well or poorly the email is formatted. So what to include or exclude in your email? There are certain things I want to see and other things I don’t want to see..."
View Full ArticlePosted: May 13, 2019
Category: Touring
show booking press and radio touring touring plan promotion stay connected health be patient please and thank you plan ahead physical health collaboration ellisa sun
**Guest post written by Ellisa Sun, Jazz/Soul musician formerly based in San Francisco currently full-time RVing across the USA.
"200 days ago, my partner Ken and I left our home base in Oakland, CA to spend one year full-time RVing and playing as many shows as we can to build an audience, learn about the industry, and hopefully earn enough money to survive...the following 10 Things I’ve Learned are more focused towards DIY Musicians like myself..."
View Full Article