Posted: Sep 30, 2019
Category: Live Performance
networking live performances community support music career support your scene ditto stage banter open mics stage presence debut new material
**Guest post written by Joe Hoten; an avid writer of songs, content and song related content, and regular contributor to Bands for Hire. Originally featured on
Posted: Sep 24, 2019
Category: Marketing
show booking social media merch make money music album release artwork videos disc makers singles ep vs album
**This post originally appeared on the Disc Makers Blog for indie musicians by Randy Chertkow & Jason Feehan of Reprinted with permission.
"Your best social media strategy is to entertain your fans throughout the year rather than just drop an album and disappear. Create a strategy to make your fans anticipate your every release — music, videos, merch, and more — and attract new fans in the process."
View Full ArticlePosted: Sep 16, 2019
Category: The Musician Business
managers music business keys to success the grind music business after dark jeff lysyczyn
**Guest post by Jeff Lysyczyn, music industry veteran, educator, and creator of Music Business After Dark.
"The first episode of Music Business After Dark, a series of informative vlogs by music industry veteran and educator Jeff Lysyczyn."
View Full ArticlePosted: Sep 9, 2019
Category: The Lefsetz Letter
record labels merch diy managers promotion music festivals indie artists songwriting nyc la bob lefsetz genre booking agents
**Guest post by Bob Lefsetz of The Lefsetz Letter.
"Don't wait for help, do it yourself. Just like you can record and distribute yourself, you can promote too. If you're waiting for a manager to start, don't...Decide who you want to be. A hobbyist, a touring musician or a superstar. This affects your path..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Sep 3, 2019
Category: The Musician Business
merch make money touring live performances spotify career goals cd's booking agents tour routing jake shane second job cost of living
**Guest post written by Jake Shane, an American singer-songwriter and guitarist who resides in Spain. He makes his living as an independent artist by touring around Europe. His fourth album will be released in October, 2019.
"A recent article by Larry Fitzmaurice titled “17 Indie Artists on Their Oddest Odd Jobs That Pay the Bills When Music Doesn’t” is by turns comforting and deflating to the indie musician...Contrastingly to me, none of those artists makes their living exclusively from music, and many of them actually lose money touring. So, what does this mean for musicians in general, and me specifically? Well, a variety of things, but I’ll limit myself to three important factors..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Aug 26, 2019
Category: Promotion
professionalism instagram press have a story photos photoshoot be prepared amateur bands timeliness credits musical instru
**Guest post written by Mark Smith, owner of Musical Instru.
"Let’s face it - a promo photo is an extremely powerful part of music, with its ability to catch the attention of fans, bookers, music journalists, and the industry in general. However, while the capabilities of a promo photo can’t be overstated, it all depends on the amount of care you exert into its production. To be honest, your promo photo is just as capable of effectively telling your story as your music, but that’s only if you get it right..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Aug 19, 2019
Category: The Musician Business
rocket to the stars helping artists music business free music free shows free downloads amazon artwork google jailbreak devices hypocrisy
**Guest post written by Wade Sutton of Rocket to the Stars Artist Services.
"A few weeks ago it occurred to me that I had recently seen multiple posts on Facebook from artists and songwriters asking for information on how to “jailbreak” devices like the Amazon Firestick and the Google Chromecast...Jailbreaking those devices allows users to download applications so they can watch pirated content like movies currently in theaters. I had a big problem with this..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Aug 12, 2019
Category: Health
keys to success health eat healthy mental health treat yourself exercise electraland radio sleep finances supplementing stress companionship hydrate
**Guest post written by Electra (The Rock-n-Roll Health Chick), an Integrative Health and Nutrition Consultant and Coach, specializing in the health of musicians.
"Bad mental health robs us of enjoying our lives or caring about what we’re eating and drinking. Bad mental health can also cause disease and makes us feel worse all over. So, I’d really like you to work on all of the health tips I mentioned, including this one! After all, your mind runs the whole show!"
View Full ArticlePosted: Aug 5, 2019
Category: Health
touring live performances health eat healthy plan ahead mental health emotional health physical health electraland radio
**Guest post written by Electra (The Rock-n-Roll Health Chick), an Integrative Health and Nutrition Consultant and Coach, specializing in the health of musicians.
"No one likes a hypocrite, and I want to feel great as well. I’ve been having the lemon and salt water in the mornings and more fruits and veggies. That leads us to the second most important change you can make to think and feel your best...EAT WELL."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jul 29, 2019
Category: Health
touring keys to success eat healthy mental health treat yourself physical health exercise electraland radio hydrate coconut water
**Guest post written by Electra (The Rock-n-Roll Health Chick), an Integrative Health and Nutrition Consultant and Coach, specializing in the health of musicians.
"Even when you’re a rock god, your mental and physical health can go either way. We all need a little help sometimes. So, I’m going to share the Top Three valuable and doable actions that will help you think and feel your best while you’re on the road, playing a gig, practicing in your room or just watching your favorite band. If you don’t take care of your body and mind, you won’t be able to think, write, perform or live well."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jul 15, 2019
Category: Music Streaming
advertising spotify music streaming services royalties blake morgan billboard
**Guest post written by Tatiana Cirisano, originally featured on
"Spotify is drawing heat from artists and music execs for an ad campaign that urges listeners to "dance like nobody's paying," a pitch for its free 30-day Spotify Premium trial..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jul 8, 2019
Category: Show Booking
ellisa sun music venues music festivals restaurants house shows coffeehouse bar breweries wineries diy spaces listening rooms open mics sofar sounds in-store performances
**Guest post written by Ellisa Sun, Jazz/Soul musician formerly based in San Francisco currently full-time RVing across the USA.
"8 months ago, me and my partner/percussionist Ken quit our day jobs, sold our stuff, and hit the road in a used 30-foot Winnebago to play as many shows as possible...Here are 16 types of shows we’ve played. Remember, my experience will be different from yours."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jul 1, 2019
Category: Online Presence
music venues show booking booking agents record labels managers promotion music festivals radio promotion publicist bandzoogle press corporate gigs private gigs
**Guest post written by Dave Cool of
"An electronic press kit (EPK) is essential for making a strong first impression on promoters, bookers, media, and other music industry professionals...You can use your EPK to help you get more press, more gigs, and come across as a serious artist."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jun 24, 2019
Category: The Musician Business
record labels diy cd baby record deal tunecore communication drumming review independent speak up
**Guest post written by Nick Cesarz, drummer, producer, and blogger from Milwaukee, WI. Nick is the editor and owner of, a website dedicated to helping drummers choose gear, learn how to play, and guide them through the music industry.
"It's a phone call conversation I wouldn't wish on any of my enemies: getting dropped from a record label. Being let go from a record company is a sad tale that many acts endure throughout their careers. Today I'll explain what it's like and how you can reduce your chances of having this unfortunate conversation."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jun 17, 2019
Category: Social Media
social media consistency stock images mobile friendly adobe creative cloud get creative the legit musician banners canva
**Guest post written by Scott Aumann, originally featured on The Legit Musician blog.
"The main graphics banners on social media is one thing that we need to get correct to make a big impact [on social media]. The only problem is that each platform has their own way of displaying these graphics...Let’s start with sizes for each platform."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jun 10, 2019
Category: The Musician Business
fundraising funding plan ahead communication the sophistocrats long distance relationship expectations
**Guest post written by Sophie D’Orléans, singer and keyboard player for The Sophistocrats (Canadian Smooth Jazz band).
"After spending 3 years and 4000km away from home, I wanted to move back to my hometown. I left my mountainous college town knowing that all my musical connections would be very far, yet it was what I needed to do for my personal growth. Trying to keep a ‘band’ together at a distance has been challenging in ways I didn’t suspect, while other difficulties I had predicted never happened."
Posted: Jun 3, 2019
Category: Fans
facebook twitter pandora marketing spotify fan engagement soundcloud pinterest analytics apple music data megaphone agency
**Guest post written by Jordan Gates, of Megaphone Agency.
"In this digital age of music streaming and social media, it is easier than ever to objectively measure an artist’s reach and influence. Whether you like it or not, every social media site and music streaming platform is collecting loads of data about their users. This information can be used to your advantage to draw powerful insights about your audience."
Posted: May 28, 2019
Category: Show Booking
show booking epk professionalism persistence concise no attachments photos videos talent buyer quotes timing
**Guest post written by Scott Cooper, talent buyer for Testarossa Winery and Sam's Chowder House and previously syndicated music journalist for newspapers across the country.
"As a Talent Buyer...I only book via email. Emails are a traceable record of who said what and the details of the agreement. Sometimes I can even tell if I want to book the band just by how well or poorly the email is formatted. So what to include or exclude in your email? There are certain things I want to see and other things I don’t want to see..."
View Full ArticlePosted: May 20, 2019
Category: Fundraising
fundraising bandzoogle music technology pledgemusic hypebot investors
**Guest post written by Dave Cool, Director of Artist & Industry Outreach at Bandzoogle, originally featured on
"The demise of PledgeMusic and the hundreds of musicians left in its wake are a sadly familiar story for music industry veteran Dave Cool of Bandzoogle. "The company takes on millions in investment to support rapid growth," writes Cool. "Flashy headlines ensue." But when things fall apart, too often it's the unsuspecting musicians that suffer."
View Full ArticlePosted: May 13, 2019
Category: Touring
show booking press and radio touring touring plan promotion stay connected health be patient please and thank you plan ahead physical health collaboration ellisa sun
**Guest post written by Ellisa Sun, Jazz/Soul musician formerly based in San Francisco currently full-time RVing across the USA.
"200 days ago, my partner Ken and I left our home base in Oakland, CA to spend one year full-time RVing and playing as many shows as we can to build an audience, learn about the industry, and hopefully earn enough money to survive...the following 10 Things I’ve Learned are more focused towards DIY Musicians like myself..."
View Full ArticlePosted: May 6, 2019
Category: Online Presence
music online presence epk bandzoogle bio press photos videos
**Guest post written by Dave Cool, an excerpt from Bandzoogle’s free online guide "How to make a website for your music".
"If you’re actively promoting a new album or looking to book more gigs, you’ll need to have a specific EPK or Press Kit section on your website to centralize information for media and bookers. With an EPK page, they can quickly find all the details they need. So here are the essential elements to include in your EPK..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 29, 2019
Category: Live Performance
make money exposure live performances rocket to the stars gigging free shows 6 minute music business podcast pa house bill 561
**Guest post written by Wade Sutton of Rocket to the Stars Artist Services.
"You know how difficult it can be for bands to create leverage when trying to negotiate better guarantees from venues? Well something is happening in Pennsylvania that is going to make that even more difficult ... and musicians nationwide should be keeping an eye on this because it is something that could spread to other states."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 23, 2019
Category: Songwriting
music business songwriting influences keys to success disc makers bruce springsteen lyrics the beatles leonard cohen joni mitchell david bowie tom waits the cars taylor swift
**Guest post written by Chris Huff, originally featured in the Disc Makers Blog.
"If you are interested in writing lyrics with depth, you need a deep artistic well to draw from. All output requires input, and as a lyricist, I recommend you begin with words."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 15, 2019
Category: Touring
touring lodging stay connected persistence house shows have fun save money get creative follow up exercise ellisa sun
**Guest post written by Ellisa Sun, Jazz/Soul musician formerly based in San Francisco currently full-time RVing across the USA.
"100 days ago, me (Ellisa Sun) and my partner Ken Michienzi decided to leave our homes in Oakland, CA, purchase a used 30-foot Winnebago, and hit the road to play shows throughout the USA. Here’s what we’ve learned so far..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 8, 2019
Category: The Musician Business
make money entrepreneurship music business ask peers experience invest the music entrepreneur diversify set your rate negotiate
**Guest post written by Matt Star as featured on The Music Entrepreneur HQ.
"Have you ever thought of yourself as the owner of a corporation? Guess what… you are. If you’re a working musician, a session or touring player, your company is called YOU, Inc...Knowing what you have to offer and what it is worth is the first step to creating a sustainable career..."
View Full Article