Posted: May 12, 2014
Category: Online Presence
bio biography concise influences online presence resume
**Guest post written by Phil Johnson, as featured in his blog, Big Whiz Bang!
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Posted: May 5, 2014
Category: Licensing
licensing live performances make money music business publishing synch
**Guest post written by Mallory Zumbach, Sr. Director of Creative at Round Hill Music.
"You might be wondering what exactly a company like RHM looks for when they’re signing a songwriter, artist, or band with the goal of having significant synch success with them. First and foremost, of course, we want to work with tremendously talented people. The music has to make us sit up and take notice the first time we hear it—if it does, we know that people in the synch world will take note, too..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 28, 2014
Category: Promotion
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**Guest post written by Carlos Castillo of Schwilly Family Musicians - music marketing strategist, web designer, live performance recordist, international road-tripper, lap steel player, and Captain of the Schwilly Family.
"The truth of the matter is that if you want to take a proactive approach to getting attention for your music, you have to think about that kind of stuff [your story]. Whether you are looking for some press or simply to connect on a deeper level with your fans, your story matters. That’s right. Not only do you have to write and record the songs, but you also have to tell an engaging story..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 21, 2014
Category: Live Performance
artistic conviction branding dynamic energy fan engagement live performances music business persona stage rules
**Guest post written by Joshua Powell, singer-songwriter, DIY musician, and frontman for Joshua Powell and the Great Train Robbery, as featured in his blog Fearsome Folk.
"I met with my old friend Sal at Panera one morning. He’s a young and aspiring musician and was willing to look past my greasy hair and elbow-holed flannel to ask for advice on getting his foot into the door of the independent music community....As I fumbled to explain to Sal what I believed makes our show (or any show) one of superior quality, I realized that I could distill most of the factors into four easily digestible elements...and I believe them to be..."
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 14, 2014
Category: Live Performance
fan engagement live performances pandora stage rules youtube
**Guest post written by Danny Schmitz, an indy musician, writer, and connoisseur of all things Mexican food.
Posted: Apr 10, 2014
Category: Renman Music & Business
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In week #5 of RenmanMB's Insider's Guide to Today's Music Business, the lesson looked at the key contracts and agreements you will likely come across if you are doing something big in the music business. Among many topics covered are the 4 key agreements: Band Agreements, Management Agreements, Recording Agreements and Music Publishing Agreements. To help teach this session of Renman U, Renman enlisted Gary Gilbert Partner and Co-Chair of Entertainment & Media for one of top entertainment and media legal firms in today's business.
View Full ArticlePosted: Apr 7, 2014
Category: Show Booking
booking agents networking persistence selling you act show booking tour booking touring tips
**Guest post by Chris "Seth" Jackson, a bass guitarist and composer and founder of
OH no! I can't get a show! I keep sending out booking emails that never get replied to. What do I do?...
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 31, 2014
Category: Online Presence
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**Guest post written by Brandon Swift, musician and creator of
When marketing a band online, a musician should create a website that lets the band accept countless payment methods, establish numerous pages on the social media networks, encourage people to write positive reviews about the group and consistently post ads for the band in local directories. So how do you do this?...
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 24, 2014
Category: Online Presence
cover songs fan engagement keywords marketing plan online presence seo social media youtube
**Guest post written by Brandon Seymour, musician, SEO analyst, web designer, and social media marketer.
Independent bands and musicians in particular stand to gain a great deal of exposure if they put the time and effort into creating quality, engaging videos and marketing themselves on popular video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo and others of the like...Plain and simple, videos work. It's just a matter of figuring out how they can work for you...
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 17, 2014
Category: The Musician Business
create scarcity fan support hometown marketing music career professionalism show booking
**Guest post written by Samuel Mahler, marketing manager, booking agent, and band member of "The Electro-Lights".
One of the major problems that has plagued today’s music world is the bad stigma placed on bands’ lack of “Professionalism”. This seemingly simple word that should be self-explanatory has been the death of many a band. Why is this, you may ask?...
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 10, 2014
Category: Music Festivals
be a friend career goals community support grassroots music business music festivals networking
**Guest post written by Salina Sias. Salina is a Brooklyn based singer-songwriter with a deeply personal folk-inflected vision and serves on the board of directors of Women In Music. This piece was originally posted on
"I just got back from the 26th annual Folk Alliance International (FAI) music conference in Kansas City, MO...They [music conferences] can be overwhelming, as I can attest after having just dragged my butt back to Brooklyn from Kansas City. So, the generous soul that I am, I thought I’d share my experiences and advice after my first trip ever to a “folk-music conference.”"
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 5, 2014
Category: Renman Music & Business
breaking bands discovery getting started live performances managers music business web presence
Finding the right manager might be the most important decision an artist makes after they've picked their musical partners. But finding a great manager is not easy. In this lesson of Renman U, the Renman talks about why to hire a manager, what a manager does, what qualifications you should be looking for in a manager, what personality traits to look for, when to get a manager, how to connect with a manager, and about the artist manager relationship.
View Full ArticlePosted: Mar 3, 2014
Category: Show Booking
booking agents draw music business selling your act show booking tour booking touring strategy touring tips grassrootsy
**Guest post written by Joy Ike, creator of and Independent Musician, as featured on
THE QUESTION: I have a question that I hope someone here can help me with. After you’ve sent an email and you don’t hear back for a week or two, is it ok to resend the same email in the case that it got lost in the shuffle? I don’t want to come off as being pushy, but I want to make sure that they actually received the email.
THE ANSWER: Art, this is a really great question that I think a lot of people struggle with. It’s hard to know how to follow up on a email when you don’t know if it was ever read, if it reached the correct person, or if the receiver purposely didn’t get back to you. So we’ve got a few suggestions on what you can do...
View Full ArticlePosted: Feb 24, 2014
Category: The Musician Business
diy entrepreneurship licensing make money marketing plan music business
**Guest post written by David Priebe of Green Room Music Source, a full time agent/artist manager and also part time instructor of music business at the Institute of Production & Recording in Minneapolis.
"It official- it’s now impossible to make money in the music industry." There are scads and scads of articles and commentary that sound a lot like that statement. What you hear much less about are the people who completely disagree with that sentiment. I’m in that camp, and I’m going to tell you why...
View Full ArticlePosted: Feb 18, 2014
Category: Online Distribution
amazon cd baby exposure itunes online distribution online presence pandora radio promotion
**Guest post written by Ari Herstand, a DIY singer-songwriter from Los Angeles, CA with 550+ shows under his belt. Originally written for Digital Music News and featured in his blog Ari's Take.
Posted: Feb 10, 2014
Category: Royalties
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**Guest post written by Blake Morgan, artist, musician, record producer, and founder and owner of ECR Music Group.
Posted: Feb 3, 2014
Category: Digital vs. Physical
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**Guest post written by Danny Schmitz, an indy musician, writer, and connoisseur of all things Mexican food.
Posted: Jan 27, 2014
Category: Online Presence
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**Guest Post from
Posted: Jan 20, 2014
Category: Licensing
cover songs howtorunaband licensing limelight youtube
**Guest post written by Chris "Seth" Jackson, a bass guitarist and composer and founder of
"My band is recording a cover song, Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot. Since it’s a cover song, I need to get the rights to use it. I found a really easy and affordable way to license the music! But, I also found a giant and annoying snag in regards to YouTube. A snag so big it makes me a bit resentful of the music industry’s antiquated ways."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jan 13, 2014
Category: Marketing
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**Guest post written by Brandon Swift, musician and creator of
Music marketers and artists who have come after The Grateful Dead have been trying to emulate this marketing model since the group's success with it. The model casts a wide net of influence for any artist or group hoping to make a serious mark in the music industry. Here are some reasons giving away your music works so well and has the power to help those who are willing to make a considerable profit.
View Full ArticlePosted: Jan 8, 2014
Category: Renman Music & Business
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In this Renman MB throwback clip, the Renman sits down with Jay Boberg, long time record business heavy hitter. Jay reminds us that truly good art can be good business if the art is the focus and not used solely for exploitation. Among other gems of knowledge, Jay leaves us with a great quote about today's business: "The music industry is a river, not a lake. It's moving."
View Full ArticlePosted: Jan 6, 2014
Category: The Lefsetz Letter
artistic conviction hits major labels make money music business radio stations
**Guest Post by Bob Lefsetz of The Lefsetz Letter.
Your ability to play exceeds social networking. Your chops are more important than your social skills. Frequently the best musicians are near mute, they speak through their music, which brings adoring fans to them. First learn how to play. Everything else comes next...
View Full ArticlePosted: Dec 30, 2013
Category: Online Presence
bandcamp facebook fan engagement keywords localized marketing marketing online presence seo soundcloud twitter youtube
**Guest post written by Brandon Seymour, musician, SEO analyst, web designer, and social media marketer.
What I find really interesting though is that some niches act as if they are immune to the constant pressures of the modern day marketer. In my experience, one of the biggest offenders is the music industry - specifically independent artists. I've been working in SEO and inbound marketing for about four years now and since I've always had a passion for music, I wanted to take some time to discuss some simple, highly actionable steps that musicians can take to start marketing their band like a boss.
View Full ArticlePosted: Dec 23, 2013
Category: Touring
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**As featured in Indie on the Move's Touring Tips Section.
If you are considering going on tour, there are a few prerequisites that must be met in order for you to make everything happen...
View Full ArticlePosted: Dec 16, 2013
Category: Live Performance
fan engagement fan support how to run a band live performances relationships with fans stage rules
**Guest post written by Sarah Lynch, digital music marketing and social media content manager.
"Just how powerful does a statement have to be in order to capture an audience’s imagination?? For musicians, having a killer live show is essential because it is one of the only opportunities that fans have to see, interact with and get to know you as a person behind the music. So how do you make an audience fall in love with you?"
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